On February 11, the 2020 Minnesota legistative session will begin. Vaccine mandates are sure to be a hot topic this session, as they were in 2019. I've been studying vaccines and their impact on health for over a decade, spending hundreds of hours reading and writing about them. Certain rhetorical phrases cycle around again and again, particularly with politicians and in the media. The points below bring these statements to light for open and honest consideration, rather than a misguided "sound-bite" that shuts down conversation. Engage with your friends and family about this important topic, before the right to medical choice is taken from you! Below are some fact-based talking points to aid in these discussions.

This critique cites government sources, peer-reviewed scientific research, as well as reputable information from education and advocacy groups. In some cases, links are provided to secondary sources rather than a primary source so the reader has the ability to explore a particular topic in depth, including a primary sources referenced there.

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Vaccine Safety and Research

“Immunizations are safe.”

“A lot of research goes into making vaccines safe for your child.”

"Reactions to vaccines are extremely rare.”

"The science is settled."

  • Science, by its very nature, is never settled. Scientific theory is constantly reinterpreted through research and experiment.
  • Well-respected doctors and scientists urge for more studies to be done. They don't believe anything is settled.
  • Over 1,000 peer-review scientific studies raise concerns about vaccines.
  • Vaccine science cannot be settled when there are still many studies that have never taken place. For instance, there are no studies on the effects of alumium in the brains of children.
  • Cooperation among the vaccine industry, the CDC, and the FDA creates conflicts of interest, which call into question the authenticity of their research.
  • Science is a system of acquiring knowledge. Observation is used to draw conclusions. Families that see their children regress or die within hours or days of vaccination are observing and making practical conclusions that any rational person would make.
  • Consensus of the majority does not make truth. Freedom of speech and intelligent discussion allow truth to be brought to light. Rejecting conversation based on the "science is settled" sentiment shuts down the process of informed consent.
  • History shows us that the medical profession and the government have been wrong about things in the past; it makes sense to be cautious and consider medical procedures from all angles, even if the benefits of vaccination may outweigh the risks for some individuals.

“There is no scientific evidence that vaccines cause autism.”

Disease Prevention

“Vaccines have saved millions of lives.”

“If immunizations were eliminated, we would see a return of diseases.”

  • Evidence shows that vaccines provide immunity, but additional evidence shows that the immunity provided by vaccines is imperfect and short-lived. Meanwhile, many safe immunity-boosting options are available, such as homeoprophylaxis, elderberry syrup, and vitamins A, C, and D.

  • It is likely that if immunizations were eliminated, the United States would see a vast decrease in childhood autoimmune disorders.

"Vaccinate, or your kids will cause an epidemic!"

“The United States has recently experienced a record number of measles cases.”

  • Depending on the comparison, the “record” is often only since the mid-1990s, which had more cases.

  • Death from measles is extremely rare in the U.S. Most years, zero individuals have died from measles.

  • Conversely, the U.S. has also experienced a record number of vaccine-related injuries and deaths, particularly from the measles vaccine. Over 400 families since 1988 have been compensated by the federal vaccine court because of injury or death from the vaccine. This should not be a shock, since vaccine manufacturers admit that the measles vaccine can cause death.

“The majority of the people who get the measles are unvaccinated.”

“Vaccine-preventable disease are making a comeback because people are not vaccinating their children.”

  • Some vaccines contain a live-virus: those who are vaccinated can be infected with the measles virus and spread it to others through a process known as “shedding.”
  • If a vaccine was truly effective, then it logically follows that those with the vaccination should be protected against any carrier of the disease.
  • It is not logical to claim we need to vaccinate 100% of people in order to protect the weak, because outbreaks happen even in 100% vaccinated populations.
  • "Herd immunity" cannot be achieved through vaccination, only natural immunity.
  • Many vaccines are becoming less potent because the because of bacterial mutations, not because of the vaccine hesitant.

“Get your chicken pox shot so others don't get shingles!"

“Vaccines build up your immune system against future attacks by a disease.”

Children's Health

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"Vaccines do not contain aborted fetal DNA, or maybe they did, but don't anymore."

“Some childhood diseases may potentially cause future problems.”

"Vaccines help us have healthy children."

“Refusing or delaying vaccination puts children at risk."

“Studies show children can handle receiving many immunizations at once...”

"Vaccination is obviously the right choice for your children."

"Mandates are necessary because 'Herd Immunity' will protect the weakest among us."

Even pro-vaccine parents are beginning to be concerned at the vehemence of scientific propaganda, media bias, and censorship against medical freedom. Use these facts in respectful conversation with others when these vaccine fallacies are brought up. Ask for citations. Bring up research the other might not know about. Respond with love. Let's win the fight for freedom for our families, for Minnesota, and for the United States!


Mrs. Marie K. MacPherson, vice president of Into Your Hands LLC, lives in Casper, Wyoming, with her husband Ryan and their children, whom she homeschools. She is a certified Classical Lutheran Educator (Consortium for Classical Lutheran Educators), author of Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood (Old Testament vol., 2018; New Testament vol., 2023), and editor of Mothering Many: Sanity-Saving Strategies from Moms of Four or More (2016).

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