Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood, Volume 2: New Testament

Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood

By Marie K. MacPherson

Mankato, MN: Into Your Hands LLC, 2023

ISBN: 9798987558911

230 pages / $13.95 paperback

(see also vol. 1: Old Testament)



You don’t have to be the “perfect” mom to read this devotion book! If you feel worried and concerned and burdened about mothering, then you're in the perfect position to be comforted by the message of the Gospel: Our perfect God sent His Son to take the punishment we deserve for our sins. You have been made right with God. Heaven is yours. Even though you will still struggle here on earth, your Father is with you, protecting and guiding each and every moment. He equips you for the vocation of motherhood, whether or not you feel adequate for the task. As you read Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood, find encouragement and solace as a mother, knowing that God is working in you, through you, and also despite you. In Christ, God forgives all of your failures and sends you the Holy Spirit, building you up for the important work of mothering that He has planned for you from eternity. On each page, Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood presents a brief portion of Scripture, historical background, reflections related to motherhood, a timeless hymn verse, and Biblical references for further reading. This second volume focuses upon the New Testament.

What Mothers Are Saying about Meditations (vol. 2, New Testament):

Joy Pullmann, full-time mother of six, part-time executive editor of The Federalist:

“Nothing is better for a mother’s heart than directing it outward to God’s Word and upward to prayer. Marie’s brief devotions are perfect for those three- to five-minute openings in a mother’s busy day, as a perfect alternative to picking up a cellphone to scroll. Even better would be to keep this devotional with a small Bible in your kitchen to read the accompanying verses during your next five-minute breather.”

Anna Mussmann, mom of five, Lutheran writer, and host of Sister, Daughter, Mother, Wife:

“Devotional materials for mothers tend to be shallow and clichéd. This book is different. Rather than cherry-picking verses that might convey what modern moms want to hear, Mrs. MacPherson walks through the New Testament and applies a wide variety of Scripture to the sins, fears, and hopes of mothers. The result is deeply encouraging. Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood is a beautiful application of the Bible to everyday life as it plays out in the home.”

Jodi Kunkel, mom of three and naturopathic doctor:

“Teaching my children about God’s unconditional love is consistently at the top of my priority list. Marie’s devotions are a great reminder that I need to continue my own spiritual growth to support my children in their journey with Christ, and to accept grace when unexpected parenting situations arise. I have been called to be the mother of my children, and I’ll take any resources I can get to help me reach my full potential.”

Kristi Pauling, wife and homeschool mama:

“Amidst the clamor and chaos of motherhood, Marie’s devotions are a light pointing to Christ in our daily lives. The hymns are a great addition, something we mamas can remember and sing throughout the day in our heads or aloud to our children! I personally look forward to this sweet spot of five minutes to myself each morning, soaking in His love for me and my family.”

Lawanda Meyer, wife, mother, and home educator:

“Marie continues to encourage mothers as we seek to serve the littlest neighbors among us. Daily, she invites us to meditate with her on a selection from the New Testament and conclude with the comfort of a carefully chosen hymn. This second volume is arranged in the same simple format as the first and is a welcome addition to complete the set!”

Pamela Boehle-Silva, wife, mother of two children, deaconess, RN, co-founder of Always Mercy (a nonprofit for the suffering in Kenya), and board member for Rehema Open Door (a hospice care center in Kenya):

“Marie’s devotions had me nodding my head, laughing out loud, reflecting and sighing as she portrays the rich vocation of motherhood. From a child’s first gaze, first words, first steps, from injury to illness to spilled milk, Marie brings to light the challenges and the joys of being a mother. These compact devotions are full of timeless wisdom, but most importantly, they point us to Christ, the true source of life-giving and mother-sustaining words. Marie writes, ‘Christ affirms you in the vocation of motherhood, not because you are enough, but because He is.’ These are timeless words indeed.”

Courtney Agenten, wife and mom of three daughters, dorm mom of over twenty teenage girls, curriculum writer, and director of Project Archaeology:

“Reading these devotions is like coffee with an understanding, wise mother—one who encourages me, and reminds me that God is always working. I have been waiting for years since reading Volume 1 to wake up to a moment with Marie’s [New Testament devotions]. Her candid explanation of God’s word strikes right at the heart of a mother’s struggles and joys. These meditations serve as a mirror on motherhood to reflect on how God can still work through even me to raise children who love their Lord.”

Carla Hendrix, pastor’s wife, mom, and teacher:

“Marie journeys through motherhood side by side with the rest of us, encouraging us with strength found only in God’s Word. These short meditations are easily digestible during the sleep-deprived newborn phase, applicable to real life, and packed full of law and gospel truth. MVM1 is my go-to gift for baby showers and moms, and I’m thrilled that Marie has written a second volume on the New Testament!”

About the Author

Marie K. MacPherson is wife to Ryan, homeschooling hausmutter to their seven living children, and redeemed child of God. She is editor of Mothering Many: Sanity-Saving Strategies from Moms of Four or More (2016). She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bethany Lutheran College, with Lutheran school certification and a specialty in communication arts and literature. She used to actively participate in theater, debate team, choir, and international travel, but realizes now that those were merely a foretaste of the joys of her current vocation: managing children’s dramatics, arbitrating kids’ arguments, singing hymns and lullabies, and sharing unbelievable mission stories. She has been an advocate for mothers, serving as a La Leche League Leader for over six years and a volunteer at a local pro-life pregnancy clinic. When she’s not caring for her own children, or the mothers of other children, Marie reads extensively, researching natural health, healing diets, alternative medicine, dementia, homeschooling, theology, evangelism, marriage, and parenting. Follow her blog at:

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