Here's a fun excerpt from our new book Mothering Many: Strategies for Sanity from Moms of Four or More.

What hobbies are large-family friendly?

Editor’s Tip: I love Sarah’s idea of having an area that can be closed-off for leaving projects out. I know I am much more likely to work on a project if I don’t have to constantly clean up after myself. It’s also nice for the older children to have an area to work on puzzles or Legos that the littler ones can’t get into. For us, the area is our guest room that is only seldom used, but I’ve heard of other families getting creative with closets, porches, and baby-gates.


Hopefully this can encourage you to pursue some family-friendly hobbies! But this isn't all the book has to offer! 55 other questions are answered. There is even a wonderful appendix with encouragement and perspective from mature and wise grandmas! Buy a copy today!